Warfare 2001
Game 1 - vs beja
Unfortunately I forgot my camera for the first day, but what happened was this....
My theoretically anti-camel army faces a Beja army - this should be a good matchup methinks?
I manage to narrow the frontage of the board somewhat with a couple of rocky hills on my right flank - and then deploy with the two huge almost identical foot commands across the center of the table. This works almost perfectly, suckering the Beja into leading with their Bd (F) command in single rank all teed up against my Bw (I) - what a surprise to see my Wb (F) command deploy behind the main bulk of my army!! "Burst Through" anyone??
On my left the 6 (only 6 - phew!!) Beja camels are faced off against elephants, Sp and Bw (I) - who then face 6 Bw (O) and some Ax as well, but my flank is a bit at risk from a command of LH & Bw (I) - or LH to be fair...
We close fairly slowly, and there is some shooting - and my Bw
(I) start to die against the Bw (O). The Bd try to close on my line, but the Wb
just manage to burst through in time - it's a ragged line, so the blades close
in for their best possible round of combat, with lots of overlaps - and achieve
virtually nothing !! It's all going so well !!!
The warband then hit back - and decimate the blade command virtually in one turn !! How well is it going ??? Yes !!!
The Camels then close on my line, and the bowmen do some damage - but are still being quickly attrited by the 6 Bw (O). We kill off some of the camels, but then they hit the elephants and the line - and my bowmen are now in tatters, as I am also being eroded on my left flank against the LH (O). A camel gets killed by elephants - but this allows a Ps to nip in and kill him :-( My left command falls - and the warband are now starting to lose elements - and kill their opponents - against the Cavalry on my right.
By now it's getting really dicey - literally - with both armies getting close to breaking. It's one command each, and as the clock runs down we face a last bound of thrills and excitement. I can win the game in a number of ways...I hit a line of 2 auxilia with 4 warband, both with overlaps - I have a Cv (O) double overlapped and unable to recoil - either will do.
Bang!! I lose 2 warband !! Doh !!
Bang !! - The cavalry draw and survive....
Next (last) turn and the only way to save the cavalry is for Phil to risk a mutually-demoralizing combat against the rear attacking warband.
Bang!! The rear attacker is killed outright - so the cavalry doesn't die
Phuttt... I fail to kill him with the frontal opponents - I've lost 9-1