Warfare 2001
Game 2 - vs Tuareg
Unfortunately I forgot my camera for the first day, but what happened was this....
Tuaregs attacked and deployed 3 big steep hills - theoretically to channel me
into some Cm (S) & Wb (F) killing-zones. They all fall in the
forward/centers of the 3 Tuareg deployment zones.
I then deploy a huge wood and some rough hills. the wood falls in the middle, and the hills are in the forward zones of my flank sectors.
This creates basically a totally closed board with 2 channels between the two deployment zones.
I have too many troops to fit on the table, and I'm scared my Wb will be run down like dogs, so I put them on a flank march.
Lots of Tuareg warband charge down one of the channels - and
lots and lots of Tuareg camels wait in reserve behind them. Luckily, my command
with 2 elephants
is facing 3 LH (I) down the other channel..... so I have to face 30 Wb (F) with,
erm, supported Bd (I) and 1 elephant mounted CinC. The small Tuareg command also
starts to infiltrate down the same flank.
Fortunately the Wb run short of pips at the final hurdle, and I manage to turn one flank of their deep column with a lone Ps, and my Bd & Elephant CinC manage to be the ones who charge in. I am extremely lucky and eliminate the entire front 2 ranks of the warband, plus another 4 elements with the psiloi - 14 Wb dead in 1 round of combat - and a demoralized command !!
Then, the flank march arrives - and makes the infiltrators flee! The psiloi (I) catch a couple of stragglers, and the game is over in double quick time.