Warmaster Ancients, Devizes 2009
Game 2 saw me facing some Bulgars
My opponents army was a enormous again. 4 Bowmen, 4 infantry, 5 Good Quality Light Horse, 2 shock cavalry and 2 skirmish foot. I attacked and pushed forward my elite spearmen and skirmishers, hoping to blunt the LH of the enemy and then catch up with my strike troops later
The Bulgars made a rush forward on my right, occupying the village with a load of stuff which instantly became invisible and hence unchargable. I had learnt quickly and was Dairylea-ing like mad on my left
The Bulgar cavalry had also moved like greased lightening and were swinging round my flank. The Greek spearmen went out to face them with relatively little confidence.
Carthaginian skirmishers attempt to defend the village
The dastardly Bulgari cavalry moved up menacingly.
Somewhat bizarrely the Bulgar foot leapt out of the village and surrounded and then massacred the elite Carthaginian spearmen!
Meanwhile my army was moving up into the middle of the table but the Bulgars were fading away in front of us. The table was more covered in Dairlyea triangles than lunch hour at an under-5's play group.
Four more units of spearmen then attempted to gain revenge for the slaughter of their Elite colleagues -but they struggled to make a decisive impact.
..and the game seemed up for the skirmishers too.
The Carthaginian cavalry then managed to get close enough to make a charge - supported by elephants they charged into two parts of the enemy line.
And having killed off some of the enemy, the first unit of lancers then exploited into another combat - joining their colleagues as the Carthaginian spearmen finished off the Bulgars in the village!!
As the Bulgars fell back, the Carthaginian elephants and cavalry sought to tee themselves up to attack the Bulgar cavalry - but only just failed to finish off the last Bulgar unit that would then have allowed them to hit the Bulgars in the flank with one unit.
..this temporary pause allowed the Bulgars to get back into the fray, and they in turn charged down the Carthaginians from all angles, with the groovy LH playing a major role !
The Carthaginian mounted strike force was utterly destroyed and this opened the field for a weak counterpunch from the Carthaginian foot.
But they were simply not good enough and were mugged by yet more groovy light horse and infantry hitting them in the flank and front. Game over
Hannibal's Post Match Analysis
really struggled to follow that, but there seemed to be a lot of ebb and flow of
battle, which must be fun eh?.
What's with this "hit in the flank when charging from the front" malarkey as well? Incomprehensible!
Lets see how the next game goes.
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