Photos of War & Empire Numidians 2018
from Forged in Battle
The Numidians are generally not thought of as a great army, but with most of the other Forged in Battle War & Empire releases already covered in my existing collection I thought it would be useful to try out both the army (in ADLG) and the W&E figure ranges as well buy picking up some packets of them recently
There is lot's more of this stuff on my Links Page
In ADLG the army is mostly Javelinmen as infantry, with Light Horse as the mounted wing. It does however have Elephants and a block of half-decent Roman-style foot to stiffen it up. In period - without too many enemy mounted around - it may well be half decent if it can secure the right terrain. Or at least that's the theory
Forged in Battle's website is here. They also have a kickstarter-funded expansion of their Ancients ranges underway.
These are the infantry - in a range of poses, and with a mix of shields from peltast-types to round skirmisher ones.
I mixed up WE-NU02 Numidian Light Infantry skirmisher and WE-NU03 Numidian Peltasts packs for more variety on the main infantry units
They are armed with Javelins, shield and the pack has a random mix of 24 Infantry, including command. Which is nice.
Numidian Cavalry
The Light Infantry are made up of the Light Infantry pack
I did their shields in some basic stripey patterns
In this photo youcan also see two Essex figures, #1 and #3 from left to right. The first is a Nubian skirmisher, the seconds is biblical era figure. It shows the two ranges are pretty much spot on the same proper 15mm height.
Here they are in a different order.
Numidian Cavalry
For Generals I picked up some Baueda Generals and Officers as mounted figures and added them to FiB infantry standard bearers and musicians
The guy with the shield is a Baueda figure, the others are FiB
I plan to use my existing Old Glory Romans as the Romanized Numidian troops. Here they are side by side.
The Numidian bases are a tad deeper so I suspect the OG figures are a bit bigger - however that is also partly accounted for by their helmet crests
I'll have no qualms about using them in the same army I feel.
Here they are with Corvis Belli Spaniards - likely co-warriors in any Carthaginian army
Again the sizing is bang on for these two proper 15mm ranges.
Essex Carthaginian Spearmen make up this comparison
The Numidians were painted quickly with an undercoat spray of Army Painter Leather Brown, after which the whole figure was inked with Army Painter Dark Tone.
After painting the tunics and belts, a thinned down coat of Army Painter Soft Tone has been added to give some texture to the clothing
Here are the guys with a Corvus Belli elephant - where they will often be found I think.
I went for a real mix of shield patterns to give an irregular look
Very much an army for wargaming-distance viewing!
The Summary
These FiB infantry are nicely proportioned, and come with a decent - if not wildly imaginative or dynamic - range of poses
Getting officers in each pack is a nice touch - and packs of 24 work for these types of troops as well
They match well with other ranges too, so all in all a good buy.
That's the end - so why not go back to the Links Page and browse through some more stuff